Privacy Policy

Welcome to the This is the privacy policy section, and we are going to share all the right, rules and regulation of the website so our reader could understand our work better. We will also inform you that how the site works with collected data of the visitors, members, and other crucial affairs.

The database of the website is securely entirely to protect our clients’ info and company stuff. We never use it to trade any data that we collect while running the site or never will.

The data we store from a user during their visit such as entry time, IP address, etc. are only for maintenance purposes. We never collect any personal user info that could violate any law.

What Use Frequently?

The information we typically collect from the site is like,

  1. The Region, time and date.
  2. The Internet protocol or commonly known as IP address log files.
  3. The browser type.
  4. Exit pages or referring pages.
  5. The number of clicking items.
  6. What items get clicks.

All these info are used for analyzing many essential things like administration management, current trend, tracing visitors movements and so on. These are not related to any personal or privet actions or identifications.

Web Beacons & Cookies

The FRP-TOOl uses website beacon and cookies just as any other websites. Search engines like Yahoo, Google, Bing, and others use these for serving ad in this site. We use them because, these records much important info like user preference of browsers, clicked items and pages. Later on they customize the site automatically.

If you don’t want anything that could serve annoying ads or think data exposer could harm your system or install a virus, turn off the beacons/cookies settings of your browser.

Our Advertising Partners

Other websites could use to serve ads in our site through the Google, double-click or other advertising camping. So, it possible you could see some ads pop up window, GIF, flash advertisement on the site page.

Third-Party Privacy Policies

Our rules and regulations don’t apply to any of the third party who only use the site as advertisement platform. They run by their ethics and policy, so their policy does not apply to either.

If you found anything (ads/banners/pic/video/gif) from third-party that is illegal or have an ethical issue, you should contact with them or proper authority but not us.

Children’s Information does not require any personal info from a person less than 16 years old who is a child. The information asks during subscription is only for 16+ people. So, if you know any member who has break this law than let us know. We will remove the info after getting proper evidence and takes actions if there is any adult person involved.

So, that is the end of the discussion. We hope we could explain the privacy policy of our site thoroughly. If you have anything more to know, please drop a message to the “contact us” page, we will respond as soon as we can.

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