Friends, F64 Box UFS ISP Error, today I have brought up a very special topic for you, and this topic is completely new.
We will unlock it on the F64 box. That is, the new box that has just been launched, the F64 box. We will unlock it using ISP.
In today’s article, we will show you a method where the ISP UFS connection does not work properly.
We will modify the ISP adapter of the F64 box and unlock it.
We will explain the complete process in this Article.
As you can see, the company has already labeled TX and TXP, RX and RXP.
We will make jumpers accordingly.
This is our Samsung chip, and here is the NSC 1330 chip.
The model number is 8535, and it has a CPU installed.
This CPU is powered only via USB.
I have noted down the ISP pinout for you.
When we were unlocking it using Easy JTAG, it required USB power only.
There was no need for a reset line or VCCQ/VCC because this CPU, JS 1330, is powered via USB.
The purpose of today’s article is to show how to modify the ISP adapter.
This is the first Article in India where I am modifying the UFS ISP.
The F64 box has just been launched, so let’s open it.
After opening, we will check the situation.
Does it connect directly, or does it require some modifications?
F64 Box UFS ISP Pinout Error
Now that we have opened it, we will connect it.
First, we will check the basic connection.
It is successfully connected. Now we will connect the ISP adapter to the box.
Then, we will provide power to VCC and VCCQ via USB.
Now, we will connect it.
First, we will connect it normally as per the usual method.
This ISP version is designed by PhoneFix.
But the connection is not being established.
The company has used a 440mV signal booster for ISP.
We will enable it and check again.
See, it is showing “FLUX IC NOT DETECTED (AUTO)“.
We have already powered it via USB, and all connections are properly set.
We will check manually.
Even in manual mode, it is showing FLUX IC NOT DETECTED.
Neither automatic nor manual detection is working.
How To Modify Adapter
We will try changing the gear.
Even on Gear 3, it is not working.
The same “FLUX IC NOT DETECTED” issue is occurring.
We will now solve this issue.
Just like we fixed Easy JTAG by adding R3, R4, or R5 jumpers, we will do the same here.
This adapter has some bugs, which we will completely clear in today’s Article.
Even in Auto mode on Gear 3, it is not connecting.
Now, we will show you a method that will completely solve this issue.
Anyone who unlocks UFS via ISP and is facing this problem, their issue will be 100% solved after reading this Article.
Now, let’s modify the adapter.
As per the company’s given jumper settings, there is no change.
ISP Adapter Modification
- Now, let’s modify it.
- Look here, R27 and R30.
- I am making a jumper here.
- These two 511 Ohm resistors are present here.
- We will short-circuit these two resistors.
- After shorting these two resistors, let’s see what happens.
- So, this is the new F64 box and modified UFS ISP.
This is the first time in India that this modification has been done.
By shorting 511 Ohm resistors (R27 and R30), the connection is established successfully.
Now, we are providing a small ground connection.
When the connection is made properly, it will work 100%.
After shorting the two resistors, the connectivity is now working.
Previously, it was showing FLUX IC NOT DETECTED, but now UFS ISP is connected.
Unlocking FRP (Factory Reset Protection)
Now, we will unlock FRP (Factory Reset Protection).
How was this method? Let us know in the comments.
Please share this article as much as possible because many people face issues with ISP connectivity.
Now, we will proceed with the zeroing process in FF mode.
Partition was successfully erased.
Now, let’s power on the device and check.
The device is turning on. It will take some time.
Now, the ability message has appeared, which means FRP is removed.
Let us know in the comments how you found today’s Article.
Please share this article as much as possible because many people struggle with ISP connectivity.
Since this is a newly launched box, there will be some bugs, but they will be fixed over time.
I hope today’s jumper modification method was helpful.
I researched and developed this solution.
That’s all for today, friends. We will meet again with a new topic.